Wednesday, July 25, 2007

pretty eyes!

Kyla's eyes are starting to turn color and they look really cool right now as they are still blue around the edges and the brown/green color is coming in from the center. They will probably end up brown (which is fine with me because one of the things that attracted me to Dan was his kind, brown eyes...:) but there are quite a few green eyes in C's family so green (like me!) might also be an option. From what I hear it will be a few months until we see the final color!

We like to gaze into those big eyes regardless of color. Kyla is being so much more responsive now. She smiles like crazy and makes cooing noises. We should probably keep our blinds closed so that our neighbors don't think we are crazy as we babble and waggle our tongues at her! The other day I was telling her the vowel sounds in French and she was cooing back at me. (the French pronounciation is so much more fun than English)
We also tried throwing in a little Hebrew and, at least that one day (things change on a moments notice...), Kyla really liked the sound of "l'chaim". Maybe it was the throaty sound. Luckily she is not critical of pronouciation and was accepting of my attempts as well as Dan's!

I'll leave you with a cute baby hoodie outfit:


tinak said...

Beautiful! I saw a little girl with a similar background to Kyla's at Tori's dance class on Tuesday. She was so cute, probably about 3 years old. I was thinking that could be Kyla someday. Keep the pictures coming, I love them!

Rach, I hope teaching is going well.


Unknown said...

hey! what's wrong with blue eyes!

Rachel and Dan said...

blue-eyed people can't be trusted...
