A brief digression from kylanet to share the sad news that I had to bid farewell to a dear old friend today. Many of you have probably met my trusty little red car who joined me on the east coast in 1990 and faithfully transported me all across the country for so many years. She was still going strong at 180K miles but, alas, was not doing so cleanly enough for the state of California. After two failed smog tests and an offer of $ by the state to get her off the road, the decision was made and the paperwork was filed. I knew that I would have to drop her off at a place called a dismantler but felt better thinking that she would become an organ donor, if you will. As I signed the paper today and told the guy he was getting a good car he shared with me a detail I didn't want to hear -- part of the deal with the state is that the cars that are "retired" must be crushed. I was crushed.
I suppose it was just a machine -- and the new machine who replaced her will keep me and my baby girl safer on the roads -- but she was a big part of my life and I miss her.
Here we are shortly after we first met, back in the fall of 1990 (I miss the pretty fall colors of the east coast too!):
I know, I know! Luckily you can't see very well in this photo but short and curly was not one of my best hairstyles...
Sorry to hear about your car. I was one of them who rode in that car.
Well....atleast you have fond memories of the car that you can cherish forever.
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